Klaus Bücker Grevenstein
Musik für alle

As a trained and experienced landscape gardener I studied landscape architecture.

I worked wit leading German landscape architects before I established my own business in Meschede in 1983.

Some interesting projects of mine you'll find after clicking on the picture.

More information about my career as a landscape architect you may get from a WDR radio podcast. Please click on the picture - but sorry, it's in German only.

In summer 2020, then aged 68,  I closed my business.

Now more time is left for enjoining life with my family - my wife, our son, a daughter in law and 4 grand kids.

And, of coarse, I'll have the leisure to do my handmade music.

For private contact only :

Klaus Bücker
Graf-von-Spee-Straße 51
59872 Mechede


Phone: +49 (0) 2934 1059
Email: info@klaus-buecker.de